
Accreditation of Joint Degree in Arts at Ph.D. Level

The Ph.D. in artistic research within art practice and creation at Østfold University College, in collaboration with Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and UiT The Arctic University of Norway, has been accredited by NOKUT's board.

Achieved many important goals

NOKUT's 20th year was both content rich and busy. Despite many parallel processes and growth in ordinary tasks, increasing numbers of applications, and a tight budget, NOKUT has performed well and can demonstrate good goal achievement in accordance with the new strategy, NOKUT 2030: Ensure quality, build trust.

Most initial teacher education students want to work as teachers

NOKUT has conducted surveys among students, campus-based teacher educators, school-based teacher educators, and teacher candidates from initial teacher education programs. We are now publishing four reports that provide important knowledge about initial teacher education.